Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's just not that simple!

Micah 6:8
Hear then what Yahweh asks of you: to live justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.

This is my first post in my blog.  I guess it’s like a diary really.  It’s about my thoughts and feelings but anyone can read it.  So I thought I’d start with a scripture that means a lot to me - and a confession.  Micah gave us the most simple guidelines for living anywhere in the Bible.  It sounds so simple, doesn’t it?  Live justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with God.  So why is it so hard?

As I thought about this scripture, I thought of others who I feel embody this scripture.  My mum, who died in 1998, was to me a living example of Micah’s theme. Other people I know seem to be able to walk this walk.  But not me!  I’ve done everything but these three things over the last few weeks.  It’s just not that easy!  I’ve  griped at my husband, been hard on my kids, and looked for happiness and fulfilment in other things instead of my God. I've had unkind thoughts about others - and some I've said aloud!  I’ve expressed jealousy, anger, and spite, amongst a hundred other negative, selfish emotions.  Oh, yes, I am a flawed human being!

I’m not usually prone to deep depression but I fell victim to it for about a week recently – a miserable, self-hating week when it seemed everything was a mountain too big to face -  but when it lifted, the world looked different to me.  I was able to see what I had and be thankful for it, something I couldn't do while I was in that black hole!

I am immensely thankful for the gifts I’ve been given – a truly fantastic husband, wonderful kids, a comfortable home, good health and some of the best friends anyone could ever hope to have.

I used to keep a gratitude journal but this year I've been really slack. I think I need to get back into it! Keeping a gratitude journal really makes me realise how much you have to be thankful for and when things get tough, you can look back at it and be inspired.

I want to walk humbly in love and mercy. But it's not that easy. I need to refocus on it daily.  I think the key is gratitude.  Every day I need to lift my eyes to the Lord and thank him for all he has done for me, so that I can go about my day with love and integrity. And only then might I even have a glimpse into the life that Micah was talking about! 

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